

Metapres project is a web API which automatically processes texts and autodetects metadata for it's indexation and recording into a database. It also provides a search tool for investigators to retrieve documents and data for their work.

It will help the interested investigators to gather the relevant information about the texts they are interested to analyse. It is also intended to stablish a record of corpus that will be filled collaborativelly and cabapable to communicate with other web applications thanks to the JSON data format that it's responses is encoded with.

It's currently on it's version 1.0 and in a constant developing proccess.


My contributions to this project were:

Automatic metadata detection

Designed a system that will analyse a Microsoft file or a PDF and will extract automatically the metadata related to the document. The protocol followed to get it is the ChroQue standard for investigation.

API Requests handling

Designed a system to manage the requests and responses of the API with native Javascript and PHP

Database design

Database programmed in MySQL to handle and index all the information introduced by the investigators


  • University of Alicante - Metapres project

  • 2018

Metapres project is a web API which automatically processes texts and autodetects metadata for it's indexation and recording into a database. It also provides a search tool for investigators to retrieve documents and data for their work.

Technologies used:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • PHP
  • MySQL