
Inspire is a action and drone racing game. Ambienced in the retrofuturistic 80's, you will take control of one drone to see if you are capable to beat the challenging AI. You can also compete against up to four players in our online multiplayer experience.

It is supported by four own technologies:

  • Picasso Physics Engine
  • Genesis Graphic Engine, made with OpenGL
  • Artificial Intelligence Engine
  • Orion Engine, using functionalities of RakNet for the network and online multiplayer,


My contributions for this project were

OST & Sound Implementation

I composed the main themes of the Original Sound Track and implemented sound effects, recorded and extracted from libraries, in our game with FMOD Studio API

Orion Engine

Leaded the creation and design of Orion Engine, our network engine for the online multiplayer experienced

Orion API

Developed a simple API with Node.js and MongoDB to deliever fast service for our main server to manage rooms, users , friend requests and room invitations

Genesis Engine

Contributed in the creation, design and implementation of Genesis Engine, our Graphic Engine using OpenGL and shaders

User Interface

Programmed the basic logical functionalities for the User Interface

Teaser trailer

Online multiplayer gameplay trailer


  • 2019

Drone racing action game ambienced in the retrofuturistic 80's. Delievered as final PBL project in Multimedia Engeneering 4th grade.

Technologies used:

  • C++
  • OpenGL
  • RakNet
  • Node.js
  • MongoDB